Dad vs Videogames 🎮


Found myself playing XCOM 2 and ended up frustrated once again. I very nearly got my whole squad wiped out in a “Retaliation” mission. The Muton enemy was so strong. It was able to consistently hit my soldiers who were in good cover and those who were on the rooftops with regular cover. Initially, I had it disoriented, which made it ineffective in combat. But I didn't have enough Flash-bang grenades to keep it disoriented until I could take it out.

I tried a new tactic of falling back into an overwatch position during firefights. The intent here was to avoid getting shot, while at the same time, giving my soldiers a free shot at approaching enemies. It works well against regular enemies. But it didn't work at all against the Muton.

I did learn one good tactic for a “Retaliation” mission that involves saving civilians. That is to make sure that the soldier approaching the civilians has a shotgun or a sword. And that the squad's sniper, has good line of sight to the civilian being approached. This is so that in the event that the civilian turns out to be a Faceless enemy, the sniper can shoot it, taking a good chunk of hp in the process. While the soldier who approached it, can finish it off with a shotgun or sword.


This is what my typical lineup looked like, during a game in the 2022-2023 Master League season in PES 2019. This is what my typical lineup looked like, during a game in the 2022-2023 Master League season.

Had an amazing game against FC Barcelona.

Due to the way they were defending, I couldn't keep the ball in the center of the field. Once I pass the ball to my AMF, he would have just a few seconds before he is dispossessed. It's just not enough time to build up an attack. So, I tried a different way of attacking. I went from sending short passes into the center of the field, to lobbing through balls over their defenders.

I noticed that Goios times his runs perfectly. But even after a perfectly timed pass, Goios is just not fast enough to get to the ball before the defender clears it away. This happened 2-3 times before I realized, it is not going to work with Goios. That's because Goios only has a Speed rating of 70.

So, at the 55 minute mark, I decided to take Goios out and brought in K. Gameiro — one of my more promising strikers. The important thing to note here is that Gameiro has a Speed rating of 90. That makes him the fastest player on my team.


2021-2022 Ligue 1 Champions 2021-2022 Ligue 1 Champions Finished my 4th Master League season (2021-2022) and I finally won a title as a manager. My team, Paris FC, were crowned Ligue 1 champions. It was a welcome result after a heart-breaking loss to Real Madrid in the European Club Championship. For next season, my goals are to win the French Cup and progress farther in the European Club Championship.


Purchased Elite Dangerous a week ago while it was on sale for the Xbox One. I first learned about this game from one of Brandon's posts. It is a wonderful, open-ended space exploration/flight simulation game. The game is rendered beautifully on an Xbox One. Here are a few screenshots of the game, plus a link to the album I created for it.

Elite Dangerous - getting close to a planet. Elite Dangerous - docked on an outpost with a great view of a blue planet. Elite Dangerous - docking into a starport.

Album: Elite Dangerous

This post is Day 46 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Visit to get more info, or to get involved.

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Arcas is ecstatic after scoring a goal against PSG. Arcas is ecstatic after scoring an important goal against rivals PSG.


In this first clip, I try to take on a patrol of Hyenas and bit off more than I can chew. I did not expect them to have backup. Couple of things to note in this game clip:

  • First, the recoil on the AK-47 assault rifle seems to be straight up and slightly to the right. So, if you start shooting at the enemy's hip, the recoil will move your cross-hair up and give you a chance to get a headshot.
  • Second, using Blind Fire with a Shotgun is extremely effective, especially against Rushers. In the tail end of the video you see my character get rushed by Hyena Rushers. They are buffed with extra health, so a burst from the AK-47 was not even enough to take one down. Running out of ammo on my AK-47 and with the enemy so close, I switched to my Shotgun and just fired away without even aiming. Took down the Rushers just before they got to me.

Arcas getting ready to unleash a shot at goal. Arcas is just about to unleash a shot at goal. The defender tries to close in with a sliding tackle, but he's too late.

Arcas is one of the players you get when playing Master League with the original lineup. He's the most expensive player in the lineup. So, you might be tempted to ship him off to try and save money in your salary budget. I think that would be a mistake. If you hang on to him, he will bloom into your team's very own superstar. Later on, he'll have the chance to become a “Legend” at your team.

Arcas becomes a Legend in my Master League season.

This post is Day 29 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Visit to get more info, or to get involved.

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order enemies

I'm at the Inquisitor Fortress in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. I'm stuck in a place where I have to fight through wave after wave of enemies. This includes going up against Purge Troopers who are tough in battle. One in particular, wielded a huge sword or hammer, as big as the one that Cloud (from FFVII) uses. That enemy does AOE stun/lockdown damage. Need to be wary of when and where they strike, so as not to get damaged.

In the early fights, the platform splits up into separate sections. I can use Force Pull to cause enemies to fall through the gaps.


In-game screenshot with HUD on.

Finished the Potomac Event Center Story Mission. This was the most fun mission yet. The Outcast Controllers use RC cars equipped with saw blades. Those are annoying. It is best to take out the Controllers as soon as possible.

The problem with the Outcast Controller's RC cars, is that they are heavily armored on the front and sides. So, just shooting it outright oftentimes won't be enough to bring it down. One way to try and protect yourself against the Controller's RC cars is by using the Hive skill. Place the Hive along the path that the RC car will most likely take to get to you. As soon as the RC car enters the Hive's attack radius, it will start taking damage. Hopefully, it will have taken enough damage that you can finish it off with your weapons.


F-15E Strike Eagle flying over the desert region of Roca Roja F-15E Strike Eagle flying over the desert region of Roca Roja.

There are three variants of the F-15 in Ace Combat 7: there’s the F-15C Eagle, the F-15J and there’s this one. The F-15E Strike Eagle is the most expensive one out of the three. And it is the only one that can be equipped with air-to-ground munitions. The other two are mainly air superiority fighters, while this one is a multirole fighter.

Album: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

This post is Day 18 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Visit to get more info, or to get involved.

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