Dad vs Videogames ๐ŸŽฎ

The beautiful night sky in Skyrim. Not sure why I never noticed this before. Probably shows how much of a Skyrim noob I am. But anyway, I was making the trek to Ivarstead when I looked up and was amazed at what I saw. So amazing that at one point I didn't notice a pack of wolves bearing down on me while I kept looking up ๐Ÿ˜„

Beautiful night sky in Skyrim Beautiful night sky in Skyrim -- you get a view of the moons too.


I'm feeling the excitement for the start of a new Premier League season. So, here are some video game screenshots from PES 2021 to go along with it.

PES 2021 is probably the best looking football video game I've ever played. And when I say that, I mean both in terms of graphics and player animations.

And the ball. You have got to see how the ball moves in this game. I played FIFA 22 for a bit by the way, just to see what I'm missing. The ball physics in FIFA 22 just doesn't compare to what you get in PES 2021. The ball physics in PES 2021 makes the ball one of the stars of the show. It makes it move and bounce in a scarily realistic manner. The ball physics is definitely one of the best features in PES 2021.

These screenshots by the way were taken during my 2023-2024 Master League season. I play Manchester United and have new players in the team (in case you wonder why I have Manolas and Marquinhos on my team). I'll explain more about the lineup changes I've made in a future game log.

PES 2021 - Pregame cinematic - Sir Alex Ferguson Stand - Manchester United's stadium rendered beautifully in the game. Manchester United's stadium is rendered beautifully in the game

PES 2021 - Pregame cinematic - Game against Arsenal Pregame cinematic โ€“ A game against Arsenal, which is one of the licensed teams in the game. I mention โ€œlicensed teamsโ€ because...


Couple more shots of the Mazda FC RX-7 in Forza Horizon. This time the screenshots were taken as the sun went down in the game. It's amazing how far we've come in racing video games. We used to only have static weather during game play. Now we have dynamic weather and even the passage of time in a racing game. Coming from the 8-bit racing games I used to play when I was a kid, today's games are pretty awesome!

Mazda FC RX-7 in Forza Horizon Mazda FC RX-7 in Forza Horizon


The beautiful Mazda FC RX-7 in broad daylight. While I prefer the look of the FD RX-7, there's something beautiful about the more simplistic lines of this car.

Mazda FC RX-7 in Forza Horizon Mazda FC RX-7 in Forza Horizon


After taking a long break from the game, I've recently come back to Ghost Recon Wildlands. This is a wonderful game if you like military shooters and an open world. It's kinda like The Division, but with more realism (no spongy enemies here) and the option for AI teammates.

This game requires patience and strategy, something you'll needs lots of once you get deeper into the game. That doesn't mean it's a bad game. It's just built different. Maybe even built for a different time (even if it only came out back in 2017). New games now are all about instant gratification. This game is more about delayed gratification, if that even makes sense. This game is more like Metal Gear Solid, where you spend a good amount of time planning your moves, then executing them perfectly. It's more like Chess instead of say Tic Tac Toe.

This review gives a good look at what makes Ghost Recon Wildlands great.


For someone who spent most of his time playing Fallout 4, switching to Skyrim was a breath of fresh air. You go from desolate wastelands, to striking scenery like these.

Skyrim -- Beautiful landscape right after exiting Helgen. This first screenshot was taken right after you exit Helgen, which is where the game tutorial takes place. At this point, you've already seen a dragon, engaged in melee, range or magic combat (depending on your preference), and you're basically just itching to get out into the world to see what kind of story you can write.


Another day goes by and I've got another blog up on the net. This one is focused on the topic of video games. For someone who was getting exhausted at the number of websites I had to maintain, I surprised even myself with this one.

Anyway, this is not my first attempt at one. Back when I was first trying out, I was actually trying to replace a gaming blog that was built as a static website. And for awhile back in 2019, I had two blogs on a journal and a dedicated gaming blog.

For one reason or another, I decided that I did not need a dedicated gaming blog. So, I moved all video game related posts to my journal. New posts on the topic of video games showed up on my journal. I even created new series โ€” โ€œGame Clipsโ€ and โ€œGame Screenshotsโ€ โ€” dedicated to video game content. That worked out for awhile and I was happy.

But as everyone knows, โ€œThe only constant in life is change.โ€ And so here we are. My use of my journal and the content I want to show up in it has changed over time. And so I once again have a need for a dedicated gaming blog.


A compilation of goals from Pro Evolution Soccer 2019. All of these goals were from my Master League games.

Let's start off with this beautiful free kick goal from Arcas. I surprised myself here with the amount of curve he was able to put on that ball. Wonderful goal.


It's 2021 and I'm still playing Pro Evolution Soccer 2019. The game-play clip below is a great example of the core game-play loop that keeps me coming back for more.

After a few moments of terror, frantically trying to clear the ball out of the box, I get a second or two to breathe. Then it's straight into a counter attack. My excitement building as I start to see passing lanes forming before my eyes. It culminates into a shot at goal, at which point I get off my seat and silently scream (because the kids are sleeping), GOOOAAAALLLLL!


Su-30M2 Flanker-F2 flying over the Waiapolo Mountains Su-30M2 Flanker-F2 flying over the Waiapolo Mountains The beautiful Su-30M2 Flanker-F2 with the Erusea livery/skin.

Album: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown

Tags: #GameScreenshots #AceCombat7

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